How do I manage my Roster?
Go to the Brampton Volleyball League website.
Log into the system through the ‘Captains Corner’ portal with the user name and password received (login information will be issued after the close of registration). Note: Be sure to check you junk mail folder for the log-in information if you cannot locate the email in your inbox.
Select the team who’s roster you would like to update from the top ring menu. (Captains of more than one team will see all registered team names appear in the top ring menu.)
****Select update profile and change your password by re-typing your new password in the password fields****
Select the first player position and type the first letter of the players last name. Scroll through the names beginning with that letter (use your arrow keys). If the player is already in our database, the name will appear. Select that player. Move to the next position and repeat until all players have been registered.
If the player is not in our database you will be asked to enter the information for the player. Click on the ‘add a player’ tab. Once the player has been added you MUST return to step 4 in order to add the player to your roster. The player is NOT automatically added to your roster when you ‘add a player'. *****please make certain that the information you enter for the new player is valid and correct. Failure to do so may result in the player being deemed ineligible to play*****
Select ‘Update Roster’ the selected players will be listed below your name. The blue question mark indicates that the player has not been activated (returned their email). If you wish to delete a player select the garbage can beside the player name.
When complete, simply Log Out.
NOTE: An email will be issued to each player you register. If the player accepts and replies to the email, they will be added to your roster. It is the Captain's responsibility to return periodically and check the status of their team roster additions and/or deletions. When the player returns the email they will also be electronically signing the embedded player waiver as required by the BVL.
Q: Why can't I find a roster sheet under the forms section of the website?
A: ALL teams will be required to submit their team roster online.
Q: I registered my team in person this year. Am I still required to submit my roster online?
A: Yes. Teams that register in person will be entered into the BVL database. Captains will receive an email with instructions on how to complete the team roster online.
Q: Do I need the complete name, address and email address for each player?
A: We require all players to electronically sign the BVL waiver. When a player is added to a team, a confirmation email is issued to the email address of that player. Only after returning the email is the player officially added to your roster and considered to have signed the league waiver.
Q: What if a player does not have an email address. How will they confirm their addition to my team and sign the waiver?
A: Waivers are available on the website under ‘Forms’. The player must complete the form and mail it to the address listed at the bottom of the form.***NOTE*** waivers WILL NOT be accepted by BVL Executive or key volunteers.
Q: What if two or more players share an email address?
A: Each of the players will receive an email addressed to them. Each player will confirm their email. NOTE: The BVL will only permit two members from every team to share one email. Any additional members will be required to complete a hard copy waiver and mail it the league for completion. Players who have not signed a waiver may be deemed ineligible by the league. See operational rules online.
League Information

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