



The purpose of the Brampton Volleyball League is to provide recreational volleyball for the residents of Brampton.


  • References to "BVL" or the "League" pertain to the entire Brampton Volleyball League. "Divisions" are categories of the League (e.g. Co-Ed Competitive 6s, Co-Ed Reverse 4s, Co-Ed Non-Spiking 6s, Men's, Women's, Beach). "Levels" are subcategories of the Divisions (e.g. C1, C2, C3, D1). "Members" are the individuals who pay to play in the BVL.
  • The "Administrator" is a paid staff person who shall facilitate the wishes of the Board. The Administrator shall take direction from the elected Communications Director. In the absence of the Communications Director, the President will supervise the activities of the Administrator.
  • The BVL will hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM) to:
    • Elect members to the Board of Directors.
    • Present Financial Statements.
    • Answer questions posed by the membership.
  • The Board of Directors will be elected by current BVL members in attendance at the AGM. The Board will consist of a maximum of nine Directors. A minimum of four Directors will be elected at each AGM. The Directors shall choose, from within their ranks, who will serve in each of the Executive roles. These roles include President, VP-Facilities, VP-Referees, Treasurer, Director of Communications, Director of Standings and Statistics and Director of Open Gyms and Clinics. The term for each Director's position is two years.
  • In the event a director's position becomes vacant, the board may appoint an interim director who will serve until the next AGM.
  • No individual may occupy the position of Treasurer for more than three consecutive years. All expenditures must be approved by at least two Directors.
  • A quorum of directors (5 or more) must be present to vote.
  • No more than 20% of the members may reside outside of the City of Brampton. The Board may take whatever steps they feel are necessary to satisfy the player residency requirements of the City of Brampton Parks and Recreation Department.
  • At any time, the rules may be amended by a majority decision of the Board of Directors.
  • On an annual basis, the Board will re-evaluate the structure, and the size, of the League.

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